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Is a PV a private apartment?

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  • Miembro

I have been reading as much on these forums as I can to be ready for my trip. This English section is great especially the sticky's. I am trying to learn some Spanish but I don't know much. Since all the reviews on the girls are in Spanish I am relying on Chrome to translate for me. It doesn't do a very good job but enough for me to get the general idea. I just need to clarify some things.


Is a PV the same thing as a private apartment? I read about private apartments in Wolfgangs very helpful sticky. Everyone in the reviews talks about PV's and some people hate PV's. Going by what Wolfgang said about the problems with private apartments it makes sense that it is the same thing as a PV.


I was thinking that I would select girls from the web sites and make appointments for them to come to my hotel. The same girl from the picture would show up at my room -10% Photoshop. So now I am worried. The reviews I have read on the girls I want are by guys who saw them in a PV. Since private apartments usually don't give you the girl promised will they send a different girl to my hotel? If a girl advertising on the web works at a PV will I have to go to her or will she still come to my hotel?

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Is a PV a private apartment?


Depends on the Pv. Some Pv´s may send you a substitute, some others won´t. I recommend you to look in: http://www.area-vip.com , there you´ll have the most expensives girls, but for sure the girl you want, is the girl you get. For less than U$S 200. The same with: http://www.soloindependientes.com , in the range of U$S 75 to 150.

Don´t worry.

Any question....

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Is a PV a private apartment?


A PV stands for Privado and can either be a small private apartment with 2-5 ladies or something bigger like Esmaralda Vip which might have as many as 15 ladies available.

There are more than 100 such places in Buenos Aires, many on the same streets and sometimes same building. The services, or practices as well as; quality of the ladies and the price they charge vary very much from place to place, but also within the place with each of the different ladies. It is always better to be very respectful, relax and generous with the ladies.

Being that the PV’s do high volume, and ladies work different shifts, it is sometimes (especially during lunch and early evening hours) hard to find the lady you saw and liked on the internet. Same apply to lady that might show up in your hotel. Also when a PV gets hold of a hot lady, they will feature her pictures for moths after she left.

Of course all the photos you see are retouched heavily, to assume 10% Photoshop on each lady is a big mistake, for any lady on any site, also in the USA. As a photographer, I can tell you that 10% and a covered face, can make any lady a contender for a Playboy Cover Girl. The average photoshoping is more than 10% or even 20% in the crucial areas. The owners of some of the internet sites are known photographers and digital artists here and they alter the photos in such ways that make the ladies appear very sexy on the internet. It is true that in Buenos Aires there are many sexy ladies and many of them work in this industry, but very few are as sexy, as their pictures.

Some of those PV’s are really nice and the service (especially if you tip the lady a small amount) might be excellent. I would recommend you check www.argentinaprivate.com where the foro is in English.

One advice; stay away from the very cheap Pv’s some are very shady, those that charge at least 200 pesos for 30 min are much better. The price for one hour is usually only 50-100 pesos more so it might be better to stay longer.

If I were you, I would gather a list of 5-10 decent places and go there to check on your own. Calling a lady to your hotel involves taking a much bigger chance to get disappointed and it also cost more, and gives you no choice.

You can also help yourself by having the hotel receptionist write for you in Spanish next to your English version a list of 5-10 questions which you can show to the madam at the PV and communicate with a pencil and paper where the madam does not speak English.

If you send me a private message I could get you a better sense of direction.

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Is a PV a private apartment?


Poker, te felicito por el panorama bastante realista que le das al flaco. Está lejos de los comentarios que ponen los fundamentalistas anti-pv. Sólo creo que ya el flaco está preguntando demasiado. Me parece que ya preguntó y se le contestó mucho. Tal vez sería hora para él de jugarse y contratar un servicio. Nunca va a conseguir algo seguro 100%, eso sólo existe en las propagandas. Pero he conocido verdaderas bellezas tanto en pvs como en cabarutes como independientes.



  • Miembro

Respuesta: Is a PV a private apartment?


Which particular PVs are you interested in? Making general comments is not that useful because there are exceptions to the average descriptions.

  • 2 semanas más tarde...

Respuesta: Is a PV a private apartment?


Don´t get out of the blue if you don´t have a clue. Take some1 who speaks english/spanish and ask him for meet good hookers. So go to the PV, let him talk, ask for price translate and you just choose the girl u like or go out 2gether for anyother hooker. Send me private message if you need some help.-

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