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Can someone explain "en un momento se me pone en 4"

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  • Miembro

I am trying to use a translator program to read the reviews on this site. I keep seeing "me pone en 4" which is translating to "I put in 4" Can someone explain what this term means? Is it a sexual position? Are 4 fingers being inserted inside the girl? The term is usually followed by a comment about "enjoying the view." I like to enjoy the view.


Also what does "minas y aranceles" mean?

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Can someone explain "en un momento se me pone en 4"


I am trying to use a translator program to read the reviews on this site. I keep seeing "me pone en 4" which is translating to "I put in 4" Can someone explain what this term means? Is it a sexual position? Are 4 fingers being inserted inside the girl? The term is usually followed by a comment about "enjoying the view." I like to enjoy the view.


Also what does "minas y aranceles" mean?


It's very simple..when you know how it is...:rolleyes:

1) "ella se pone en 4" means "she adopt the doggy possition" (the "4" tells you about "4 legs". Chilean people say "20 uñas", because when you use 4 "legs" you use 20 nails).

But "ella se ME pone en 4" means "she adopts the doggy possition FOR ME".

I think it's clear but if you want to learn spanish (specially from Argentina) you will have to learn how to use "me, se, te.." That is so difficult as to know how to use "to get" in English (for me at least...)


But you must be very careful. If you say "ella se me pone en 4" it means that she adopt the doggy position for you. ¡¡BUT IF YOU SAY THAT SOMEBODY "ME PONE EN 4" THAT IS VERY DANGEROUS FOR YOU, YOU PROBABLY ARE GOING TO BE PENETRATED BECAUSE YOU ADOPT THE DOGGY POSITION!!.



"ELLA SE PONE EN 4" (she adopts the doggy position)

"ELLA SE ME PONE EN 4" (she adopts the doggy position for me)

¡¡¡¡ ELLA ME PONE EN CUATRO (she puts me in doggy position)!!!


2) "minas" means "women". That's an expression very common but not refined


3) "aranceles" means the money the girl ask for. Some men say "gift" because many Escorts used to say "can you give my gift" or "my gift is xxx $").


hope this help



PD: excuse my english if neccesary...

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Can someone explain "en un momento se me pone en 4"


Ahh, that is very helpful. Thank you very much. I certainly don't want to get penetrated.


So how would I ask in Spanish if it is alright to cum in her mouth?

"Puede que el semen en tu boca?"


"Esta permitido poner mi leche en su boca?"


There seems to be a lot of slang that my translator program is not getting. I don't want to sound like an idiot or be insulting to the girl. And I certainly don't want to ask to cum in my mouth.

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Can someone explain "en un momento se me pone en 4"


Ahh, that is very helpful. Thank you very much. I certainly don't want to get penetrated.


So how would I ask in Spanish if it is alright to cum in her mouth?

"Puede que el semen en tu boca?"


"Esta permitido poner mi leche en su boca?"


There seems to be a lot of slang that my translator program is not getting. I don't want to sound like an idiot or be insulting to the girl. And I certainly don't want to ask to cum in my mouth.


it's better to say "¿el bucal es completo? ¿puedo acabar en la boca?"


"Puede que el semen en tu boca?" (this is wrong spanish)

"Esta permitido poner mi leche en su boca?"(this is correct but sounds so "polite" that sounds freaky to me.

I'm in a hurry. I must go


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