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Looking for some information on the basics....

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I'm staying in Palermo, and thinking of using one of the many online services I've been looking at.


But I'd like to know a little bit about how it all works. The details. I call up a place, or email? And negotiate a price and time then? If I want a girl to come to my place, does she come alone or with some guy?


What percentage of the girls let you kiss them?


Do they provide the condoms or do you?


I guess I'm looking for an insider's guide, some wisdom, on what I need to know.



  • Miembro

Respuesta: Looking for some information on the basics....


Hi tramix!

first of all, welcome to Buenos Aires.

Well, i will tell you what you need to know when is time to call an Escorts.

I dont know how much spanish do you understand, but if you can read expierences posted in the section "mujeres", there you can find people who had sex with different women and there they tell how they enjoyed that time. In case you dont understand spanish, then i can help you.

First of all you have to call the girl to the number written below the photo (it will sure be a private place, where a secretary will talk with you by phone). Commonly, is hard to negotiate the price because they have an official price, but maybe you can arrange a little diference in favour for you.

You have to be aware that some places have a very bad service, and maybe you arrange a meeting with a girl but when you go there the secretary tells you that the girl is not present, so you must choose good places for example: area-vip.

If you want to arrange a meeting in your house you must know that not all girls do that, but the girls who do it ussually go alone, but you have to pay the taxi and a little difference. The condoms are always provided so dont buy it.

if you want to know girls who do great services just tell how's your girl type here and people will answer you.

i dont know good girls in Privados, i like more going to night clubs as pampita (av. figueroa alcorta & la pampa) or madahos (vicente lopez & azcuenaga).

hope hearing your expieriences at argentina soon,

i feel sorry for my bad english haha


  • 2 meses más tarde...
  • Miembro

Respuesta: Looking for some information on the basics....


All experiences count as Seba said....!!

I recommend to visiting stateside friends to try privados to avoid surprises...!! Photoshop can do wanders...! you see the merchandise and pay a reasonable price...!! $200 to $300 pesos...!

The nightclubs mentioned have attractive girls, and are great choice for the very affluent , suggest The Black nightclub across form the Alvear hotel, prices US$200 and up plus motel charges, drinks and entrance fee...$$$

Good luck

Kisses on the Bottom....!!!

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Looking for some information on the basics....


I'm staying in Palermo, and thinking of using one of the many online services I've been looking at.


But I'd like to know a little bit about how it all works. The details. I call up a place, or email? And negotiate a price and time then? If I want a girl to come to my place, does she come alone or with some guy?


What percentage of the girls let you kiss them?


Do they provide the condoms or do you?


I guess I'm looking for an insider's guide, some wisdom, on what I need to know.





the best you can do is: look at the websites:

a) www.sensualbaires.com

b) www.bairesgirls.com.ar or: .net

c) www.tacosaltos.com

d) www.gemidos.com.ar

e) www.areavip.com.ar


then choose some girls you like a lot. then send a mesage to this forum asking for info about those girls. Some of them will be real, some of them doesn't exist,some of them will be dangerous. I can make you a warning: NEVER BUT NEVER GO WHERE SOME MEN OR WOMEN IN THE STREET ARE GIVING SOME PROPAGANDA WITH LITLLE PIECES OF PAPER. SOMETIMES THOSE PIECES OF PAPER ARE ON THE PUBLIC PHONES. DON'T TRY THEM.


If you choose a girl from a,b,c,d the money you'll have to spend is between 200 pesos to 350-400 pesos. Perhaps the price is 200 and if they realize you are a tourist they will ask you for 250 (or if the price is 250 they will ask you for 300 pesos). I think you must be tolerant with that because the main thing here is to get a good time. Don't fight for 15 dollars, I think it doesn't worth it.


Of you want to write to the general forum of women ("mujeres") you can put your question in this way (I think it will work):


"No hablo español. Pido información sobre estas chicas que ví en las páginas web que indico.

Melisa de Tacosaltos (¿es real? YES-NO ¿da buen servicio? YES-NO ¿es peligrosa? YES-NO)

Ruth de baires girls (¿es real? YES-NO ¿da buen servicio? YES-NO ¿es peligrosa? YES-NO)

Elena de Sensualbaires (¿es real? YES-NO ¿da buen servicio? YES-NO ¿es peligrosa? YES-NO)

Tachen por favor lo que no corresponda.

GRacias por su ayuda"


well I think you understand almost all the questions:

¿es real?: (are the pictures true?)

¿da buen servicio? :(her service is good?)

¿es peligrosa?: (is she dangerous?)



Let me tell you something: what is the importance about the percentage of girls who will let you kiss them. That's for sociology. You better ask for a certain girl....:negacion::negacion: with whom you will be having sex...:risa:

Hope it helps.



PD: If you call "e" the girls will ask you for 400-500-600 pesos

If you go to madahos you'll have to pay 130 pesos to enter, 250 pesos to invite a girl a drink, the girl will ask you 600-700-800 pesos (as you will not be able to "hide" your bad (or horrible) spanish they will ask you for mor money than usual) I don't think it will be good for you to there. If you go to black or hippopotamus it will be worst, And don't think the expensive girls are better. You must search, that's the way.


nota para compatriotas: si alguno sabe más inglés que yo (que es poco) y me quiere corregir me lo hace saber que yo le estaré agradecido.

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