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Buenos Aires searching

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Hola guys, coming to your city in a month from australia, I speak un poco spainish (from family in spain) and i'm still learning. Can anyone recommend any good clubs to go to a for a new guy to the city. I have read alot about being wary of people dragging you into their clubs of the street and hand outs to entice you in. So just wanted some local knowledge of the good ones and where they are. Or a decent Escorts that speaks english/spainish. I'm stay right in the city near av belgrano. I understand you can get ripped off by anyone at any given time but i want to reduce my chances. Any help would be appreciated thanks and great forum you've got


Respuesta: Buenos Aires searching


thats hoy, yeah i had a look at vip, platynum and baires and gemidos, so many where do you start? with the A or Z? which girls is good to see?


thought maybe a club? maybe there is a decent one? i've heard of a few but mixed reports like cocodrillo, hook, catto's, wheres best? alot of guys talk about them being quiet expensive

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Buenos Aires searching


thats hoy, yeah i had a look at vip, platynum and baires and gemidos, so many where do you start? with the A or Z? which girls is good to see?


thought maybe a club? maybe there is a decent one? i've heard of a few but mixed reports like cocodrillo, hook, catto's, wheres best? alot of guys talk about them being quiet expensive


trim, maybe you should be looking for Escorts girls in the most famous websites, and then get recommendations for the best clubs around (don't discard either option).

For the first one, my recommendation is "don't pick a girl just by her picture". You can get easily ripped off if her service is bad (and most girls don't have good service). My advice is to look at the Women section. It's in spanish but you can check the pics to see the ones you are interested in, and see if they have positive comments on her service.

I don't know your likes and dislikes in women, but for example, here are a couple of experiences about Escorts that are rated as having good service, but you can search further to find whatever suits best your needs:





For the clubs, some other users might be able to help you better.


Hope that helps.


Más conozco al hombre, y más quiero a mi perro.Más conozco a la mujer, y más amo a los gatos.CATador.-------------------------------------------Consejos para Gatear-------------------------------------------

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Buenos Aires searching


Hola guys, coming to your city in a month from australia, I speak un poco spainish (from family in spain) and i'm still learning. Can anyone recommend any good clubs to go to a for a new guy to the city. I have read alot about being wary of people dragging you into their clubs of the street and hand outs to entice you in. So just wanted some local knowledge of the good ones and where they are. Or a decent escort that speaks english/spainish. I'm stay right in the city near av belgrano. I understand you can get ripped off by anyone at any given time but i want to reduce my chances. Any help would be appreciated thanks and great forum you've got


Another good place to visit is Giselle's apartment, at the 800 block of Suipacha Street, near Córdoba Avenue. It's a favorite with Americans, as almost all speak English. http://www.gysell.com/ Prices I believe are around $AR 250 for a good solid our of everything.


Unless you go to a top club ready to throw away lots of good money, most if not all of the bars in the downtown area are tourist traps. If you are able to read a little Spanish you may be shocked but the experiences of Argentineans falling into those cess-pits. Stay away.


Some of the girls advertising in the local Escorts websites, will say that they speak English... The issue, I believe, is to have them understand your English. And if you do not speak Spanish, be prepared to pay "tourist prices."



Good luck!



No pidas recomendaciones o pidas data que está a mano; aprendé a usar el buscador del foro.


Respuesta: Buenos Aires searching


I recomend to you Nancy Area vip, I think she doesnt speak english, but dont worry if you speak spanish


A club if you have money go to madahos in recoleta. (maybe you need 300or500 uSa dolars to take a woman plus hotel to fuck (telo) and 120 pesos plus 180 pesosAR drink for the girl)


If you want something like a disco music, but is not disco... Hippopotamus, check the websites.


I hope u enjoy :thumbup:sorry for may english! I have been in brisbane and sydney. The gold cost is awesome and swell is better.



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