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EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!

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  • Miembro

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Que bueno xp, me hiciste poner los pelos de punta!!! se agenda.

PD> realmente es ponja... me suena mas peruana.

Kent, el lado oculto de Superman

  • Miembro

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Que bueno xp, me hiciste poner los pelos de punta!!! se agenda.

PD> realmente es ponja... me suena mas peruana.


Si no me equivoco, no es ni ponja ni peruana. Como aclaró Mariano, es del norte de este país.

Más conozco al hombre, y más quiero a mi perro.Más conozco a la mujer, y más amo a los gatos.CATador.-------------------------------------------Consejos para Gatear-------------------------------------------

  • Miembro

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!



Impecable su xp , ya esta para escribir un libro .....


La semana que viene viajo a Bs as , llamare a esta mujer para que me lustre el caño , ya que lo importante es que le pone voluntad y actitud a su profesion.







Invitado Rebel Strike

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Mira vos la "japonesita", no la tenia. Que geisha que te volteaste, MP. Felicitaciones por la XP y abrazo gatero.

Invitado catseeker

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Muy elocuente relato. Si bien no es para el premio nobel e literatura, es innegable que me dejó al palo... FELICITACIONES! y gracias por compartir.


Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Gracias x los comentarios.

Aclaro x las dudas..la mina es MISIONERA.


Mariano Putañero.-

  • Miembro

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


pero te re felicito mariano, esta simil japonesita te dejo lustrada la perilla como pulidora 0km, consult cuando decis se trago la leche es que le acabaste en la bokis o tambien a todo el camion sexual que tuve con vos te dio esa yapa tambien.

salutes y muy buenos petes 2009 para todos


Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


pero te re felicito mariano, esta simil japonesita te dejo lustrada la perilla como pulidora 0km, consult cuando decis se trago la leche es que le acabaste en la bokis o tambien a todo el camion sexual que tuve con vos te dio esa yapa tambien.

salutes y muy buenos petes 2009 para todos


Podes acabar donde quieras.

Minon la china.


Mariano Putañero.-

  • Miembro

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Para los que sepan ingles, encontre esto en un foro de piratas foraneos, que posteo un tal Bandy el 10 de noviembre del 2007...

Sheila in Area Vip / Eiki in Platynum

Every time I visit BsAs, I create a short list (may be 5) of Escorts I want to see. I first saw Sheila's picture as EIKI in Platynum and I was very interested. She was listed as "very pretty Japanese" and that drew my attention. She no longer appears in Platynum, so here is the Area VIP link:




Phone: 15-6532-3837


You must call as Eiki, you will get a substantial discount. 200 P / hr at her place, as Eiki. 300 P / hr at her place as Sheila. According to her, Platynum charges to escorts 110 P month for the listing, whereas Area VIP charges 500 P per month. Quite a difference! To me, pictures in Platynum were stunning, really bringing out the Japanese features. I doubt, I would have ever called her from seeing the pictures in Area VIP site.


I talked to her over phone and immediately took liking to her. I always make some jokes and she started cracking up. I told her that I will see her in half an hour. Her place is in a very secure building next to Patio Bullrich mall. Those MF guards wanted to see my ID. I told them, I had none. Gave a false name and they recorded everything in a book. This is the only part I was pissed off. But to their defense, the building is full of normal families.


Eiki opened the door and I found my pretty sweet Japanese. She is actually a mixed breed. Her father was Japanese (who she never met) and mother is from Missones. But her oriental features are pretty dominent. Jet black straight hair, what did me in. She is 24 yr. old and has no children. She has a pair of nice implants (not my thing) and a gorgous body. Thin waist, not an ounce of fat and extremely elastic in all positions. Great kisser, BBBJ out of the world, banging in every position (except cola) and ultimately finished CIM. Befor CIM, I always check with the chica with a simple question "peudo terminar en tu boca?" and I heard a resounding "Dale". Oh! What a sweet sound it was! She kept on rubbing the my member full of cum on her lips, face, mouth everywhere. I was spent.


A nice afternoon delight!



La onda es cazar al poroto al vuelo... para eso, hay que triángularlo!!!


Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Para los que sepan ingles, encontre esto en un foro de piratas foraneos, que posteo un tal Bandy el 10 de noviembre del 2007...

Sheila in Area Vip / Eiki in Platynum

Every time I visit BsAs, I create a short list (may be 5) of escorts I want to see. I first saw Sheila's picture as EIKI in Platynum and I was very interested. She was listed as "very pretty Japanese" and that drew my attention. She no longer appears in Platynum, so here is the Area VIP link:




Phone: 15-6532-3837


You must call as Eiki, you will get a substantial discount. 200 P / hr at her place, as Eiki. 300 P / hr at her place as Sheila. According to her, Platynum charges to escorts 110 P month for the listing, whereas Area VIP charges 500 P per month. Quite a difference! To me, pictures in Platynum were stunning, really bringing out the Japanese features. I doubt, I would have ever called her from seeing the pictures in Area VIP site.


I talked to her over phone and immediately took liking to her. I always make some jokes and she started cracking up. I told her that I will see her in half an hour. Her place is in a very secure building next to Patio Bullrich mall. Those MF guards wanted to see my ID. I told them, I had none. Gave a false name and they recorded everything in a book. This is the only part I was pissed off. But to their defense, the building is full of normal families.


Eiki opened the door and I found my pretty sweet Japanese. She is actually a mixed breed. Her father was Japanese (who she never met) and mother is from Missones. But her oriental features are pretty dominent. Jet black straight hair, what did me in. She is 24 yr. old and has no children. She has a pair of nice implants (not my thing) and a gorgous body. Thin waist, not an ounce of fat and extremely elastic in all positions. Great kisser, BBBJ out of the world, banging in every position (except cola) and ultimately finished CIM. Befor CIM, I always check with the chica with a simple question "peudo terminar en tu boca?" and I heard a resounding "Dale". Oh! What a sweet sound it was! She kept on rubbing the my member full of cum on her lips, face, mouth everywhere. I was spent.


A nice afternoon delight!




No me extraña q aparezca en pagina del exterior. Muchos colegas gateros de Europa me contaron q la conocen.

Es carne de primera esta china. Pienso en ese cuerpo y me hace mal jeje:021:.


Mariano Putañero.-

  • 2 semanas más tarde...
Invitado nirvana77

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


que bueno tan tremenda fue si es asi me mando, por casualidad sabes los horarios

  • Miembro

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


que bueno tan tremenda fue si es asi me mando, por casualidad sabes los horarios


Con respecto a horarios, te comento que hablé con ella el otro día (yo quería ir a mediodía) y me dijo que atiende después de las 18.30. Así que se debe quedar tarde hasta la noche.

  • 3 meses más tarde...
Invitado roy_fucker

Respuesta: EIKI d Platynum....ANIMAL!! BESTIA!!


Exelente narra Mariano, me exita y me hace ca*** de risa tu relato. Tremenda yegua, le tengo muchas ganas.



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