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Respuesta: Hello


Well my english is poor, so hope yo have a good estadia here in Arg. and of course, let us know how to contact you (if you actually arrive here).

besitos besitos y una photito please:001_rolleyes:.

  • 3 semanas más tarde...
  • 3 semanas más tarde...
Invitado Huge_Punisher

Respuesta: Hello


Cool ! so when are u coming over ? I knew a girl from latvia ( guess thats quite close to Estonia ) and she was unbeliavably hot , most likely you've gotta look pretty much alike , so let me know once you get down here , I'm definetely interested ,


Loiking forward to seeya around ,


hava good one girl ! , H

  • 1 mes más tarde...
  • Miembro

Respuesta: Hello


B.A. is a cool place.

Beautiful Escorts can earn a f#cking lot of money.

So stop thinking or planning it. Just come here and you will be very welcome

In a time of Universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act


Respuesta: Hello


I don't know...I'm planning still.


Ohh Janika you re still with us, i´m so glad to read you:027:

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