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3 days in Buenos Aires

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  • Miembro

Hello, All,


I am scheduled to come to BA for 3 days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) next month and, as Amonra said, it is like spending 15 minutes in Disney land. Too little time. However, as short as it is, this is all the time I have.


I searched these forums and my head is spinning all the great options.


Given this, as suggested by Amonra, I want to ask the group for their collective advice. Based on your personal experience where would you recommend I go and whom should I see?


I am looking for longer, romantic sessions with a younger (20s) , petite / tiny provider with natural (and smaller) assets and friendly (GFE) demeanor. Knowledge of English would be a big plus, but not a deal killer.


Any recommendation would be much appreciated.

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