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Consulta: the gift

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excuse me:

I'm the newer in here, and I can't write spanish. maybe someone know english and can answer my question.


how about the price when i pay for the Escorts?

$100 or 100 dollars means the 100 usd dollar or the 100 pesos


thanks a lot!


Re: Consulta: the gift


it depends, depends of the Escorts,

normaly when we say $100 it means 100 pesos

becose 100 dollars = 300 pesos

  • Miembro

Re: Consulta: the gift


excuse me:

I'm the newer in here, and I can't write spanish. maybe someone know english and can answer my question.


how about the price when i pay for the escort?

$100 or 100 dollars means the 100 usd dollar or the 100 pesos


thanks a lot!


take care about the price the girls published, is not new that many not spanish spoken people are usually asked to pay u$s100 instead of the "normal" price (ar$100). try get this matter clearly defined at the moment you contact the girl.

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