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  • Miembro

Buenas tardes, en el buscador no encontrè nada de esta niña, sino de otras "Jessi".- Algùn colega tiene data? Muchas Gracias




[TABLE=width: 264]


[TD=width: 260, bgcolor: #C0C790, colspan: 3, align: center]

[TABLE=width: 262]


[TD=align: center]

masajes sensuales profesionales 100%

Masajes Terapeuticos con Aromaterapia

Descontracturantes, Relajantes

Reflexologia, Deportivos

Masaje Facial

Piedras Calientes

Atencion a Ambos Sexos



15-6486-3662Ambiente Confortable y Amplio

Atencion Personalizada

Zona Recoleta




[TD=align: center][/TD]



[TD=align: center]Proffesional Masseur

All king of massages. Relax.







[TD=bgcolor: #000000, colspan: 3]





[TD=width: 70, bgcolor: #C0C790]1blgd1.gif Edad[/TD]

[TD=width: 110, bgcolor: #C0C790, align: center]21[/TD]

[TD=width: 70, bgcolor: #C0C790, align: right]Age 1blgd1.gif[/TD]



[TD=width: 70, bgcolor: #C0C790]1blgd1.gif Teléfono[/TD]

[TD=width: 110, bgcolor: #C0C790, align: center]--[/TD]

[TD=width: 70, bgcolor: #C0C790, align: right]Phone 1blgd1.gif[/TD]



[TD=width: 70, bgcolor: #C0C790]1blgd1.gif Celular[/TD]

[TD=width: 110, bgcolor: #C0C790, align: center]15-6486-3662[/TD]

[TD=width: 70, bgcolor: #C0C790, align: right]Movil 1blgd1.gif[/TD]



[TABLE=width: 264]


[TD=bgcolor: #C0C790]botman2.gif




[TABLE=width: 264]


[TD=width: 132, bgcolor: #800000, align: center]ZONA Recoleta[/TD]

[TD=width: 132, bgcolor: #800000, align: center]AREA Recoleta[/TD]



[TABLE=width: 264]


[TD=bgcolor: #000000, colspan: 3]





[TD=width: 75, bgcolor: #F0C000]

Lun. a Vie


[TD=width: 119, bgcolor: #F0C000]

10 a 18 Hs


[TD=width: 75, bgcolor: #F0C000, align: center]Mon. / Friday[/TD]



[TD=width: 75, bgcolor: #F0C000] Sabados[/TD]

[TD=width: 119, bgcolor: #F0C000]

10 a 18 Hs


[TD=width: 75, bgcolor: #F0C000, align: center]Saturday[/TD]



[TABLE=width: 264]


[TD=width: 260, bgcolor: #F0C000, colspan: 3, align: center][/TD]



[TD=width: 260, bgcolor: #680068, colspan: 3, align: center]JESSY[/TD]



[TD=width: 260, bgcolor: #F0C000, colspan: 3, align: center][/TD]




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