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Argentine Celebrities

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  • Miembro

Hi my name is Ray am American and I live in Buenos aires. I have a fantasy regarding a few argentine celebrities. Does anyone know If it’s possible to get a Argentine celeb? Or has a contact or experience?

There is one famous girl that I really want and I want to know if its possible to get her. Anyone know? Send me a pm

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Argentine Celebrities


Hi Ray, i will send you the phone number of one argentine celeb named "Zulma Lobato", she is a beast in the bed, a little inocent but she have enougth experience of life.



  • Miembro

Respuesta: Argentine Celebrities


Hi my name is Ray am American and I live in Buenos aires. I have a fantasy regarding a few argentine celebrities. Does anyone know If it’s possible to get a Argentine celeb? Or has a contact or experience?

There is one famous girl that I really want and I want to know if its possible to get her. Anyone know? Send me a pm

Hi Ray, i will send you the phone number of one argentine celeb named "Zulma Lobato", she is a beast in the bed, a little inocent but she have enougth experience of life.




Ja, ja, estos yanquis ya tan pal cachetazo..!! :porra:

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