Miembro mangool8 Publicado 31 de Agosto del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 31 de Agosto del 2012 OK, I am not trying to freak anybody out. I also know about risk of any act and its your responsibility to assess your life risks and bla bla ... But I was looking at some statistics and reports and it seems like that Argentinian sex workers have a relatively high percentage of STIs. HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-I/II and STD among female... [Eur J Epidemiol. 1996] - PubMed - NCBI Prevalence of HIV and other sexually trans... [Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI First link indicates %6.7 , HIV positive samples out of 237 individuals . Now, my question to you is : , is that really true ? has any other study been done related to this ? isn't that a high percentage ? its a lot more than the Thailand's numbers. HIV/AIDS in Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia again, I am not trying offend anyone here, just want to know your opinion related to the status of STDs among the Argentinian sex workers. does anyone know any other resource related to this subject ? Thanks
Miembro gatoradelight Publicado 1 de Septiembre del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 1 de Septiembre del 2012 Respuesta: What do you think ? It looks like the research is from a reliable source, and states that the highest ratio is among saunas , this are mainly the lower end of prostitution places. but as it´s not stated the high end ratios nobody is able to asure what´s going on on the top level end.
Miembro mangool8 Publicado 11 de Septiembre del 2012 Autor Miembro Reportar Publicado 11 de Septiembre del 2012 Respuesta: What do you think ? Well, This study indicates that South America has the second highest prevalence after sub Saharan africa. Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Global Distribution And Epidemiology Of Stds - United, Countries, Rates, and World - JRank Articles it surely has a contributing factor in having a high rates in the above 2 studies. Still I believe the numbers in the Argentinians are high. I am not sure if they just focused in the lower end as 1- you cant segregate them precisely 2- they move around so frequently ... again, if anyone has any comment or resources, please share.
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