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Sunday Recommendation

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Hello friends, my first visit to BA (working) and I am searching for a recommendation for a BBBJTC on Sunday (my day off). Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Sunday Recommendation


Dificult on Sunday. Maybe if you arrange previously you can set up a meeting.


You have the options of night clubs with less cheeks than other days

un gato mañoso

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Sunday Recommendation


you should try black or madahos around recoleta areas, there some other bars like newport that from time to time you can pick something decent.


sunday is not the best day , or just ask in the front desk from your hotel


good luck

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Sunday Recommendation


Hi koolwip, welcome to BA!

If you want BBBJTC, you can say in spanish "Oral sin hasta el final", "Bucal sin hasta el final" or in argentine spanish slang "pete sin globito hasta el fin".

I recomended you, take a look this post (in spanish):


There you can see a "catalog" of girls that offer this service.

You must call to girl that specify in her website, works full time to ensure that work on a Sunday.

On other hand, you can always ask to the hotel's guys for your likes.




N.B: Please read this before doing anything



Re: Sunday Recommendation


Sincerely, thank you all for your generous help! I checked out the link for the "Sin hasta el final" thread and there appears to be only one girl in that catalog still posting who is Claudia, so I will contact her and see if she can swing a Sunday. I am guessing 'black or madahos" are clubs (forgive my ignorance). I am after talent more than a particular age or beauty and price I would say 200? As far as asking at the front desk, man do I have to get used to that concept! What about private apartments? Any additional advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Sunday Recommendation


You're welcome Koolwip. You're right, Madahos and Black are night clubs, in Recoleta's area.

If we talk about prices, you must think around u$s100. If you have dollar have advantage. Depends you being a good negotiator.

Good Luck!

  • Miembro

Respuesta: Sunday Recommendation


If you want a better experience, is better dont go at private room. Because the private room in our city isn't very good. We don't know if the girl is here and isn't a pretty place.


So if you want a better experience, you must to visit Escorts who work alone.

  • 2 semanas más tarde...
  • Miembro

Respuesta: Sunday Recommendation


Hello friends, my first visit to BA (working) and I am searching for a recommendation for a BBBJTC on Sunday (my day off). Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


As noted Sundays are slow but I use one of the sites like bairesgirls.net that allows you to search for Escorts that work on sat, sun, and all night (eg Domingo)


The Sunday link will have a smaller selection but between that and searching this forum with that girl's name, you can see who has reports for bbbjtc or not


If your Spanish isn't that great when calling these calls to confirm service and make reservation, I'd get a hotel guy to help translate for a small tip


The clubs as members here have posted are an option but having gone to blacks and madams quite a bit myself, the Sunday selection is pretty bad compared to weeknights. If you go, try around midnight to 1am when the girls are basically just arriving to have best selection


Re: Respuesta: Sunday Recommendation


Great recommendations, thank you! I will pursue your advice.


As noted Sundays are slow but I use one of the sites like bairesgirls.net that allows you to search for escorts that work on sat, sun, and all night (eg Domingo)


The Sunday link will have a smaller selection but between that and searching this forum with that girl's name, you can see who has reports for bbbjtc or not


If your Spanish isn't that great when calling these calls to confirm service and make reservation, I'd get a hotel guy to help translate for a small tip


The clubs as members here have posted are an option but having gone to blacks and madams quite a bit myself, the Sunday selection is pretty bad compared to weeknights. If you go, try around midnight to 1am when the girls are basically just arriving to have best selection

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