Invitado idando Publicado 3 de Julio del 2012 Reportar Publicado 3 de Julio del 2012 I will be in BS 20th of July and I'd like to find a petite Escorts, 20-25 yo. I know that there are many posts already, but most links seem obsolete. Can anyone give me some advice? Maybe contacts of an independent girl? Thanks!
Miembro LuvnLatinas Publicado 5 de Julio del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 5 de Julio del 2012 Respuesta: Escorts in Buenos Aires I will be in BS 20th of July and I'd like to find a petite escort, 20-25 yo. I know that there are many posts already, but most links seem obsolete. Can anyone give me some advice? Maybe contacts of an independent girl? Thanks! I had a very good session with Mical. Others have had mixed results. Mical - - Escorts BairesGirls Acompaantes Rubro 59
Miembro fangulo Publicado 12 de Julio del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 12 de Julio del 2012 Respuesta: Escorts in Buenos Aires I will be in BS 20th of July and I'd like to find a petite escort, 20-25 yo. I know that there are many posts already, but most links seem obsolete. Can anyone give me some advice? Maybe contacts of an independent girl? Thanks! I wish you good luck during your stay in Buenos Aires. The best advice I can offer is that you never, EVER under no circumstances accept an invitation from a stranger in the street to enter any bar or show or cabaret. No matter what they would promise, you'll regret it. And I hate to say "I told you so". Avoid night-clubs altogether. Try regular dance clubs and ask the girls the time or whatever and, unless you're fugly, you'll get lucky eventually. If you're not that handsome (I am not), and decide to invest, choose your sources for mongering advice wisely. Another good advice: google Jackson's private list in Buenos Aires it is an actual map! Final advice: start with the girls at Barby Massages' Loana Masajes Spa Masajistas de Argentina Terapeuticos Deportivo Sensuales Masculinos Cursos and Aryana they are the age you want and although they won't say more than a few words in English, you'll have a good time. Also try Karo, a wanna-be pornstar: Karo - - Escorts BairesGirls Acompaantes Rubro 59 Price range: $300.- to $350.- PESOS an hour (55´) Franelero acariciador de gatos
Miembro VBL Publicado 13 de Julio del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 13 de Julio del 2012 Respuesta: Escorts in Buenos Aires i'm have this for recommending: Roma | 153-109-6004 | Microcentro Escort Mahia Acompaante Escorts Independientes Acompaantes Putas - Escort y Acompa�ante: Dacota - Tel: (+54911)3502-7489 - Pais: Argentina - Microcentro - 100% real - muestra la cara - datos de contacto Area Vip
Miembro fangulo Publicado 13 de Julio del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 13 de Julio del 2012 Respuesta: Escorts in Buenos Aires I beg to differ. Some of the above recommendations have very uneven reviews, not to mention that they are (in some cases) very much above the age limits requested by OP. Franelero acariciador de gatos
Miembro Tyler Publicado 18 de Julio del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 18 de Julio del 2012 Respuesta: Escorts in Buenos Aires Fellow monger, I recommend the following girls which are currently active: Documento sin título (she is usually available from Thursday to monday after 5pm, Belgrano neighbourhood, she is 23 but looks younger, could pass for 20 yo if she was not so tall) Escort Elizabeth Acompaante Escorts Independientes Acompaantes Putas (She has a good service, likes to talk in english and fun to be with, although I got the impression that she is not 25 as she claims in her profile, I guess she is 27ish but she looks young nonetheless) Escort Natasha Acompaante Escorts Independientes Acompaantes Putas (natasha is very good looking and has a good to great service, I have pictures of her saved from the time she published without it being blurred I can send them via pm if you would like to, try to call her early in the day. Again, her profile says 23, I believe she is 25 or so) That's what I feel would be good recommendations from the girls that I know and are currently active.
Miembro FX Publicado 1 de Agosto del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 1 de Agosto del 2012 Respuesta: Escorts in Buenos Aires maybe my comment is meaningless, but i think you should tell something about your taste, you like short, tall, blonde, redhead, thin, fat... you know there are a lot of these girls you can try to meet, but you should express first what kind are you looking for...
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