Miembro bobmurphy Publicado 9 de Marzo del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 9 de Marzo del 2012 alright, as I look across the reviews here I see some very nice women. I would like to find one that is short. less than 5 feet or 152 cm. its a long shot but you have to try. P.S. I can see this going straight to midget porn comments, that is not what I am looking for.
Invitado Wolfgang Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2012 Reportar Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2012 Respuesta: short chicks You can use cat-tracker.com and do a search by height (altura). I just did that and found a few like this one: Solcito | 4326-2898 4328-9189 | Microcentro | TACOSALTOS.COM ESCORTS ARGENTINAS
Miembro El Padrino Publicado 19 de Abril del 2012 Miembro Reportar Publicado 19 de Abril del 2012 Respuesta: short chicks alright, as I look across the reviews here I see some very nice women. I would like to find one that is short. less than 5 feet or 152 cm. its a long shot but you have to try. P.S. I can see this going straight to midget porn comments, that is not what I am looking for. How old ? Young , Milf type?
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