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Mora de Belgrano

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Invitado Nickdane

Visiting BA for the first time next week. Can anyone help with contact info on Mora de Belgrano who get so good revies for her massage+ here?




Respuesta: Mora de Belgrano


Good luck with that one. Every time there's a post about her there's a long line of people asking for her contact info. You might want to try reading some of those posts and sending a private message asking for the cell # (which apparently she doesn't seem to answer anyway).


Respuesta: Mora de Belgrano


she is MIA


No news of her in the last 6 months.


AND, if you will be visiting BA for the 1st time next week, how come you end your post with HERE??


te deschavaste, chabon,


When he says "here", he means this website.

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Invitado RickyJason

Respuesta: Mora de Belgrano


When he says "here", he means this website.


Le hubieras dicho ¨YOU HAVE BEEN DESCHAVATED DUDE¨ algo asi

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