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In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?

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  • Miembro

In BsAs, must we always pay first ...?


....or can we pay after the services are provided. How normal is it to pay after. My preference is to maintain more control of the situation and have been succesful in different places. Obviously I don't trust the ladies on the street if I don't know them already, and of course they probably won't trust any of us if they don't know us. One lady on Constitucion refused my request to pay after.


In Mendoza for some street action, I was successful one time for an agreement to pay afterward (even as the service wasn't good). I hadn't tried other times there to understand how frequent it is allowed.


Of course since I'm posting this in the English section, then it is true that my Spanish could use serious improvement.


Any knowledge or comments regarding this are appreciated.


Also, would this post be needing strictly a consulting icon, or a different one ? And what is a a DT and OT icon for ? Maybe "data" or "other" ?

  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


In BsAs, must we always pay first ...?


....or can we pay after the services are provided. How normal is it to pay after. My preference is to maintain more control of the situation and have been succesful in different places. Obviously I don't trust the ladies on the street if I don't know them already, and of course they probably won't trust any of us if they don't know us. One lady on Constitucion refused my request to pay after.


In Mendoza for some street action, I was successful one time for an agreement to pay afterward (even as the service wasn't good). I hadn't tried other times there to understand how frequent it is allowed.


Of course since I'm posting this in the English section, then it is true that my Spanish could use serious improvement.


Any knowledge or comments regarding this are appreciated.


Also, would this post be needing strictly a consulting icon, or a different one ? And what is a a DT and OT icon for ? Maybe "data" or "other" ?


1) the consulting icon is CS (it means "CONSULTA" that of course you understand because is almost the same as "consulting")

2) of course it's difficult that the girl trust the client and it's difficult that the client trust the girl (¡that's real life, not disneyworld!:biggr3in:). Many clients feel very good if the girls ask for the money after...but....


  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


what is the problem of paying up-front? actually, the girls will play nice if you pay first, because they know they're not forced to do something spectacular to impress you for the money. they already got the buck, so they just do their job, you usually get better results if everything goes as it is supposed to.

Invitado Lautaro Iriarte

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


Dudo que tu inglés sea nativo. Así que no te quieras hacer el guiri.


"....or can we pay after the services are provided" (¡ PUAJ !)


may we pay afterwards? -sounds MUCH better.-


"pay first" ó "pay in advance". O "pay up-front".

En el contexto en que vos escribís no se pondría "after" sino "afterwards". Pero aún así incluso mi corrección se queda corta, porque tu redacción es traducción del castellano: no es redacción original en inglés.


Es raro que alguien diga "maintain control": sería más coloquial decir "keep control".


"I was successful one time for an agreement to pay afterward (even as the service wasn't good)." (¡ PUAJ !)


I´ve succesfully arranged once to pay afterwards (although the service wasn´t good).


Suena mejor, no?


...A Papá monkey con green bananas... (hay cada snob!!! Cipayo)

  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


Dijo que era gringo?

Y si es croata? o ruso? Yo en un foro de Croacia estaria mas cerca de escribir en ingles que en croata, como él en ingles que en castellano.


No se... por ahi la flashié.



Disculpen si les llamo caballeros, pero es que no les conozco muy bien.

  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


In Buenos Aires is very much more uncommon for a girl to accept receive money after the service. In Brazil for example, I remember to pass 24 hours with a girl, I had found on a night club, and give her money just before good bye.

Here in Buenos Aires, that could be possible once you meet her at least for a second or third time, never on the first time.

De los amores falsos, el más sincero el de las putas

  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


Dudo que tu inglés sea nativo. Así que no te quieras hacer el guiri.


"....or can we pay after the services are provided" (¡ PUAJ !)


may we pay afterwards? -sounds MUCH better.-


"pay first" ó "pay in advance". O "pay up-front".

En el contexto en que vos escribís no se pondría "after" sino "afterwards". Pero aún así incluso mi corrección se queda corta, porque tu redacción es traducción del castellano: no es redacción original en inglés.


Es raro que alguien diga "maintain control": sería más coloquial decir "keep control".


"I was successful one time for an agreement to pay afterward (even as the service wasn't good)." (¡ PUAJ !)


I´ve succesfully arranged once to pay afterwards (although the service wasn´t good).


Suena mejor, no?


...A Papá monkey con green bananas... (hay cada snob!!! Cipayo)

Awesome post !

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] "No persigas a las minas, persegui tus sueños, y asi las minas te van a seguir a vos"

  • 2 semanas más tarde...
  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?




For sure you should pay in advance. It really isn't that much money for most foreigners, and the girl will be much more likely to treat you well if you do the same for her!


PS: I respectfully disagree with Mr. J Dens, unless money is not an issue for you at all. In which case, feel free to pay over the odds... ;)


Good Luck!

  • 1 mes más tarde...

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


... It really isn't that much money for most foreigners...
What does that have to do with paying upfront or afterwards? I have many Argentinian friends for who $400 is not much, since their salary is more than high enough.... So I just don't understand that part of your reply...
  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


I have found that typically most girls will ask you to pay first.


After being with them a couple times, then they begin to trust you and are much less likely to demand payment up front.


I know some guys are horribly against this, but in my experience, i've simply found that if you pay up front then the girl is not going to be worried about getting paid. (You can guarantee that either her, or a friend of hers or she has heard stories about being ripped off in the past).


If you want to ensure good service, talk a bit about what that means to you (i find jokingly is good), then let her know that you'll tip her at the end of the session if you're happy with the service. Some guys are against this as well, but I typically find a small tip gives me better better service.


good luck


In BsAs, must we always pay first ...?


....or can we pay after the services are provided. How normal is it to pay after. My preference is to maintain more control of the situation and have been succesful in different places. Obviously I don't trust the ladies on the street if I don't know them already, and of course they probably won't trust any of us if they don't know us. One lady on Constitucion refused my request to pay after.


In Mendoza for some street action, I was successful one time for an agreement to pay afterward (even as the service wasn't good). I hadn't tried other times there to understand how frequent it is allowed.


Of course since I'm posting this in the English section, then it is true that my Spanish could use serious improvement.


Any knowledge or comments regarding this are appreciated.


Also, would this post be needing strictly a consulting icon, or a different one ? And what is a a DT and OT icon for ? Maybe "data" or "other" ?

Invitado Wolfgang

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


Dudo que tu inglés sea nativo. Así que no te quieras hacer el guiri.


"....or can we pay after the services are provided" (¡ PUAJ !)


may we pay afterwards? -sounds MUCH better.-


"pay first" ó "pay in advance". O "pay up-front".

En el contexto en que vos escribís no se pondría "after" sino "afterwards". Pero aún así incluso mi corrección se queda corta, porque tu redacción es traducción del castellano: no es redacción original en inglés.


Es raro que alguien diga "maintain control": sería más coloquial decir "keep control".


"I was successful one time for an agreement to pay afterward (even as the service wasn't good)." (¡ PUAJ !)


I´ve succesfully arranged once to pay afterwards (although the service wasn´t good).


Suena mejor, no?


...A Papá monkey con green bananas... (hay cada snob!!! Cipayo)


En mi opinion, el autor del post original es un angloparlante. Los comentarios que haces de su uso del idioma son errados y solo sirven para demostrar tu ignorancia. Tenemos que hacer que los extranjeros que postean en este foro se sientan bienvenidos y no recibirlos con comentarios fuera de lugar.


Translation: in my opinion, the original poster is a native English speaker. Your comments about his usage are misguided and only serve to highlight your ignorance. We need to make people who post in this forum welcome and not receive them with comments which are totally out of place.

  • 6 meses más tarde...
  • Miembro

Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...?


There are different levels of concern when you are in a foreign land. The most basic is to get ripped off. In the worst case, you pony up the cash and turn around and she is gone. It happened to me once in Cleveland that no talk about the service could be done before paying. Lame excuse to get paid and in the end turns out that the service was just a strip tease, no touching allowed. In minor level is the actual service given.


In my experience in BA, go with some recommended in the forum. Many have a basic english that will understand you. The better the level $$$$ the less worries. Of course, expect to pay in dollars what the locals pay in pesos, but if you go with a Diosa, you'll never forget the experience.

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