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Todo lo publicado por triptic666

  1. Respuesta: Ex-Pat English Speakers> Lets get a team together! UPDATE: All who are interested please send Private Message, dont post here, thanks!
  2. Respuesta: In BsAs streets, must we always pay first ...? Hi! For sure you should pay in advance. It really isn't that much money for most foreigners, and the girl will be much more likely to treat you well if you do the same for her! PS: I respectfully disagree with Mr. J Dens, unless money is not an issue for you at all. In which case, feel free to pay over the odds... ;) Good Luck!
  3. Respuesta: Ex-Pat English Speakers> Lets get a team together! Hello Sebas! Really i was looking for native English speakers, but a team is a team i guess, so why not! I'll message you... :)
  4. Respuesta: Ex-Pat English Speakers> Lets get a team together! Marac, i sent you a private message bro, check when you have time.
  5. Respuesta: Ex-Pat English Speakers> Lets get a team together! 32 views... and only one response, come on people, you can do better than this! :O
  6. Respuesta: Ex-Pat English Speakers> Lets get a team together! Hi! NYC, nice, i'm from London originally... sounds like we could get along... Well thats one already! Come on people, don't be shy! PS: Adventurous expat girls also welcome to post by the way (i guess you never know) ;)
  7. Hi All, I am a Brit who has been living out here in Buenos Aires a for a few years now, my Spanish language abilities are totally fluent. I am looking for any other ex pats out here who would like to get together in order to go out on some whoreing excursions! A few beers and then to the hunt... Have been quite a few times solo in the past but thought it would be nice to get a little team together for the next time. In any case, no idea if there are many of us out here or not. Hopefully will hear back from at least someone. Obviously, you gotta be cool and we gotta get on for this to work. Just seems like it could be fun to get a little like hearted group together. Safety, and fun, in numbers, after all! Take care all.
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