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  • Cumpleaños 11/09/1972

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  1. Hi, I'm a European guy, mid 40s looking for fun English speaking people to show me the BA nightlife this weekend. Gender/sexuality not important as long as you want to have a great night out. No hidden agendas, no unwritten contracts, just looking to go out and have fun rather than sit in my hotel room watching terrible movies. First round is on me
  2. I seek escort in recoleta
  3. Some do, most don't. It's a safety issue for them. The fact that their ad may say "hotels and domicilos" has no bearing on if they will or won't. Best bet is to go there. I've been doing it for years and I have never once walked into something dangerous. There have been occasions when I wasn't happy with what I saw, or the service I received, but it has never been a set up for a robbery. That being said, I only go to chicks with apartments in Barrio Norte, Centro, or Recoletta. If you go to Flores, Boca or neighborhoods like that you might have an issue.
  4. I have not written much about my last few trips, but I was in BA a few months ago and had an all nighter (1000 pm to 800 am) with two Hook girls. Cost 3000p for each. Did it a few nights later with same two (they wanted 4000p this time), because I had such a good time and they were up for anything agreed on 3500p each. Each time they showed up on time and ready to please. On that same trip another Hook girl wanted 4000p for one hour. I said no. Had a few 3 hour to four hour sessions with other girls for 2000p total. Another former Hook girl I have known for a few years, stayed with me for two separate nights 9pm to 3p the next day for 3500p each night. I was able to get three sessions each time. All of these girls I knew before and have had good time with in the past, as the argies say "a good wave". Have I paid a lot for an hour session in the past, yes. The point is you can have some really hot girls for very reasonable prices ( I know people on the forum will say I over paid for an all night session). Part of it is having manners, and treating the girls nicely, and finding the girls who appreciate that (some could care less, you are an atm machine to them).
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