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Todo lo publicado por QuieroSoloAmor

  1. Aquí hay mejores fotos: https://www.masajistastop.com/253-faby
  2. Cualquier experiencia con Elizabeth (AM: http://www.argentinamasajes.com.ar/masajistas.htm) / Elisa (TM: http://www.todomasajes.net/bk/elisa/bk00.htm)?
  3. Hola Trulala, muchas gracias por responder. Estoy muy contento de haber localizado a Karla, pero Mei también es muy hermosa. ¡Es posible que tenga que probar un masaje de 4 manos y 2 bocas! ¿Ambos Mei y Karla usan 15-6674-6260? ¿Sabes si usan Whatsapp o responderán a los mensajes de texto? (Debido a que mi español es tan pobre, creo que los mensajes de texto funcionan mejor.) De nuevo, ¡muchas gracias! Beto
  4. ¿Puede alguien ayudar a este estadounidense (y que habla muy poco español) a encontrar a Carla / Karla / Carlita / Karlita que solía trabajar en el Templo en Florida 8xx? Sé que hace más de un año anunció en todomasajes.net pero no puedo encontrarla allí ahora. Veronica todavía tiene un spa? Mil gracias, Beto
  5. Re: Solía haber un foro en inglés. ¿Todvía existe? No puedo encontrarlo. Gracias Deivonte. Is this a new rule? I have seen many posts here about el Templo (lo de Barby). Do you understand the reason for the rule? I would find information about privado girls very helpful. Bob
  6. Re: Solía haber un foro en inglés. ¿Todvía existe? No puedo encontrarlo. Gracias por su respuesta Amón! Conozco Argentina Private. Pero mi pregunta es sobre este sitio web. No entiendo "Tema borrado por Amón - Razón NO AGENCIAS, NO PRIVADOS." Entiendo "Tema borrado por Amón", pero no entiendo "Razón NO AGENCIAS, NO PRIVADOS." Por supuesto usé Google Translate pero su traducción ("No Agencies, Not Private") no me ayuda.
  7. Solía haber un foro en inglés. ¿Todvía existe? No puedo encontrarlo. Gracias, Bob
  8. Re: Angui ¿Sabes su altura?
  9. Re: How do I report a problem/bug? Can I report a problem/bug in English? Reported problems are now fixed. Gracias, Bob
  10. I can't find a way to report a bug to whoever administers this forum. But if I could I would then wonder if I could submit a problem report in English. The problem is that in both IE and Chrome I can no longer invoke the browser's translate function. I used to use that capability very often. And I can't copy text either - so I can't use a translation web site such as Google Translate. Less important, but still a bug, is that I cannot highlight a word or two or three and then do a (Chrome)Google or (IE)Bing search. Since these problems do not exist for other sites I think that there must be a problem with this site and not a problem with my computer. Gracias, Bob
  11. ¿Alguien sabe donde trabaja esta chica? http://www.tacosaltos.com/8884_Caty_4322-1274_Mujeres.html Llamo el numero muchas veces hoy pero no contesta. Gracias, Bob
  12. (con disculpas por me terrible español) Viernes vi una corta, delgada, rubia a Croix. ¿Alguein sabe su nombre? Envié un mensaje a Croix pero no he recibido una contesta. Gracias
  13. First, thanks very much to Wolfgang for his very helpful guide. Two suggestions... It might be useful to add "relax". I've never been sure if it means specifically a handjob or if it means some kind of orgasm, maybe a handjob or maybe something else. Also, today I ran into "relax oriental". I'd guess some kind of orgasm but beyond that I have no idea. The chica, if someone is ambitious enough to call her and ask, is Paulina on masajes.com.ar, telephone 4373-4325. Gracias, Bob
  14. re: What Does "sin verso" Mean? Muchas Gracias Eärendil
  15. What would "sin verso" mean? In context it looks like it might mean "sin foro/condon". Could that be right? Gracias, Bob
  16. Re: Extranjero Buscando Esta Chica (Foto Adjunta) Lo siento. Parece que no es posible adjuntar una foto de un harddrive. O quizá, como no, no se como hacerlo.
  17. Is it possible to attach a photograph from my harddrive to a post here? I just posted a message asking for help in finding a girl who no longer seems to advertise on the web. The dialog which came up when I clicked on the "Intert Image" button would only let me specify a URL, so I supplied a URL which points to the photo on my harddrive. But I see in the posted message that it just contains the URL I typed, NOT the photo! Thanks, Bob
  18. Caballeros, (Por favor, perdonen mi español atroz.) Le conozco esta chica desde hace dos años y la he visto muchas veces. Quiero mucho verla otra vez pero no puedo encontrarla. Siempre hace publicidad en Platynum, pero no la veo ahí ahora. Como no, quizá está de vacaciones. Pero antes, cuando está de vacaciones todavía siguió haciendo publicidad en Platynum. Intenté su numero de teléfono (de el año pasado) pero no funcionó. Cambia su nombre en Platynum a menudo. Uno nombre fue Zusan (o Zuszan), un otro fue Eilen (o algo similar), y un otro fue Betina (o algo similar). ¿Pueden ayudarme? (Por favor, recuerden que entiendo poco español y contesta usando muy sencillo español, o inglés.) Muchas Gracias, ¡Agradeceré cualquier ayuda! Bob
  19. I want to warn everybody here about a bad experience I had. It won't be easy but I can do it in Spanish which I think will be understandable. But I need to know two things. 1) What word do you use for the woman (I think it's always a woman) who runs a privado? In English we use "mamasan". And 2) why do reports here never give full addresses? I see, for example, "Santa Fe 12xx" but never "Santa Fe 1234". Especially if reporting a bad experience it seems to me that the entire address, including floor and apartment, should be given. Can I give the entire address or will that be breaking a rule. Muchas Gracias, Bob
  20. QuieroSoloAmor

    Help please

    Re: Help please A few things I forgot about in my earlier response ... I use mostly pesos but I've never had a girl turn down US dollars. One related point, when you strike a deal make it absolutly clear which currency you are talking about. Most of us have had the experience of striking a deal for 150 pesos only to have the girl tell us later that the deal was for 150 DOLLARS! You can copy text from this site, you just have to do it the old fashioned way. Highlight the text then go to your broswer's Edit pull-down menu. Bob
  21. QuieroSoloAmor

    Help please

    Re: Help please This site has more reviews but http://www.argentinaprivate.com is totally in English. Roxanna has arranged many dates for me. I am sure she does not work for Platynum. Platynum has more girls than any other site so that may explain why her recomendations are all from Platynum. Incidentally, many, many girls list themselves on more than one website. I think that the only financial arrangement between the girls and web sites is that girls pay to list themselves. Period. Thanks to Photoshop and other reasons the sites you have seen have more beautiful photos than beautiful girls. In general the girl you see will not look as good as her photo. There's at least one web site which will translate entire websites. I think that it might have been discussed not too long ago on argentinaprivate. Google will find several such free services. If you want to know whether the hotel is "chica friendly" I'd suggest sending them an email. The first time I did that I half expected a return email saying that they do want any perverts staying at their hotel and I should find another hotel. But since then I have learned that hotels have seen it all, and nothing, NOTHING, shocks them. Very few hotels will say no. Some will charge a guest fee; and sometimes that will depend on who is on the desk when the girl shows up. By the way, most hotels will have the girl show identification and sign-in. That's good. That's for your protection. If you search argentinaprivate for the terms you see in the tables which some reviewers here provide you will find the equivalent English for most of the terms. Good Luck, Bob
  22. Re: Gomas Gracias Ivan and ElPensador!
  23. QuieroSoloAmor


    What is the meaning of "gomas" as used here in the review of chicas? Even after looking at some lunfardo dictionaries I am very confused. Gracias, Bob
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